Royal Wins is pleased to announce that it is the recipient of the world’s first pure skill real money gaming licence.

Pure skill gaming is a new offering in the online real money gaming industry. Players have the opportunity to win real cash prizes based solely on their ability to play a game without a pre-determined outcome. The Kahnawake Gaming Commission in Quebec, Canada, the first gaming commission to establish globally recognised parameters and guidelines for pure skill gaming licences, has granted its first licence to Royal Wins.

This is a major win for the young Australian start-up that has been championing and pioneering pure skill wagering games since 2014. The endorsement and support of the KGC is an important step forward in recognising the significance and growing popularity of real money skill games

Royal Wins expects the licence to be the beginning of many opportunities for the business as it now moves to rapidly scale up its skill games offerings to a regulated worldwide audience. The company also expects to now further expand on its skill gaming licences by applying to other global jurisdictions as they become available.