BetSoftGaming became a pioneer when it found a niche for 3D video slots made to the standards of console video games and animated feature films

BetsoftGaming BetsoftGaming

Being a pioneer in the industry is no easy feat, but BetSoftGaming has done just that with its iconic Slots3 video slots library. Presented with true 3D cinematic quality, the Slots3 series has become the benchmark by which all other games are judged. The brand was introduced in early 2008, with the primary objective of recreating the high standards of 3D graphics and animation as seen in popular console gaming systems or animated feature films.

"BetSoft rules the 3D world," remarked Anthony Locke, BetSoft's director of project management. "You will find nothing like our Slots3 collection anywhere else in the industry."

Aware of the tremendous strides in audio and graphics technology, BetSoft evaluated the market and saw that there was a massive untapped niche for 3D video slots made to the standards of popular console video games and animated feature films. The company poured many hours into researching the best way to push that technology to its limits, seeking to create unique games that were not only immersive and exciting, but that would not overtax players' computers.

BetSoft's dedicated design team, populated by artists and engineers originating from the AAA video gaming and feature film industries, decided that the foundation of Slots3 would be smooth, superior, true 3D graphics and animations. This added an entirely new layer to the concept of video slots. And with BetSoft's proprietary Expandicon technology, the bar was raised even higher.

With Expandicon, slots icons are no longer confined to their places on the reels. Instead, they burst forth in 3D to expand upon wins, thus increasing the entertainment factor for the player.

The Slots3 phenomenon swept through the industry, riveting players and casino operators alike with an exciting new genre of slots gaming. Here was a novel method of presenting a classic casino favorite to players in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Operators around the globe quickly identified Slots3 as the leading slots product in the industry. The library became BetSoft's most requested software suite and it wasn’t long before operators began clamoring for this new product.

This feature can be read in full in the first 2012 edition of iNTERGAMINGi.