Eight months after the launch of Net Entertainment’s live casino, the company’s CEO Per Eriksson offers iNTERGAMINGi a progress update and a glimpse of what’s to come.

Net Ent's live casino

iNTERGAMINGi: How has your live casino product launch gone so far?

PE: “Net Entertainment’s live casino launch at the start of the year has already proved a successful venture. In general, live casino is one of the fastest growing sectors within the industry, showing no signs of slowing down, and Net Entertainment’s goal is to become the premium live casino supplier, bringing a fresh and innovative approach into the live casino industry.”

What were your key reasons for entering the domain?

“Recreating the gaming experience players enjoy at a bricks-and-mortar casino is the ultimate prize for online operators. Until recently technology hasn’t been advanced enough to deliver that experience, but there have been significant technological improvements since the first live dealer product was introduced more than a decade ago. We are confident that Net Entertainment has the most lifelike offering on the market today.

“Nowadays customers expect events such as football matches or films to be streamed in high definition. This means they also expect the same quality when it comes to playing casino games online or on mobile.

“Before we launched our product we constructed a state-of-the-art studio in Malta that is one of the first true next generation live casino environments. Our studio is fitted with the latest technology on the market to produce the most realistic casino experience possible. Before the introduction of specific content delivery networks, it was common to have latency issues during play. However, we have developed our own software which keeps such possible interruptions to a minimum.”

Read the full article in the latest issue of iNTERGAMINGi.