Holland Casino has reaffirmed its commitment to cashless gaming through a new agreement signed with US supplier IGT that will see 5,500 machines connected by EZ Pay.

IGT’s EZ Pay ticketing system is designed to decrease operating costs and reduce a casino’s currency-handling burden with automated cashiering. It will now be available throughout the majority of Holland Casino’s properties.

"We carefully evaluated several top ticketing systems before we came to the conclusion that the IGT EZ Pay coinless system was a natural fit in our IGT Casinolink infrastructure," said Robin Middendorp, director of operations support for Holland Casino. "IGT and Holland Casino worked closely to ensure a successful and smooth operational transition to a coinless environment for our guests and our staff.

"We’ll continue the roll-out of IGT EZ Pay to the remaining Holland Casino properties, improving our guest experience even further while we are achieving operational efficiencies."

Craig Churchill, IGT’s senior vice president of international sales, said that the company is "thrilled" to bring its cashless ticketing system to the Netherlands.

"With more than 500 installations worldwide, IGT EZ Pay is the cashless gaming experience players expect and is a must for today’s casino floors," he said.