SOFTSWISS is aiming to increase the flexibility of its Jackpot Aggregator by adding new features to the solution.

SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator

Baby Jackpot allows operators to accumulate an amount that can be used as a starting point for the next draw, alongside the primary jackpot tool.

Operators can also set limits with the Jackpot Limits and Overflow Pool to ensure the jackpot pool amount and hit range do not exceed specified values. Once the limit is reached, contributions from placed bets will be redirected to the Overflow Pool.

Aliaksei Douhin, head of SOFTSWISS’ Jackpot Aggregator, said the updates “expand the functionality of the Jackpot Aggregator and provide clients with broader opportunities to manage and control jackpot draws without attracting additional resources.”

Douhin added: “Baby Jackpot is an excellent way to increase the pool for new draws, which can definitely engage more players. It is our response to the needs of our clients, who are already using them to improve their business.”