Winning Poker Network and GoldWin have been hit with financial penalties by the Dutch regulator for allowing illegal access to gaming in the Netherlands.


Winning Poker Network has been handed an order subject to periodic payments of €25,000, with a maximum of €75,000, by Kansspelautoriteit.

The KSA says the company, which offered online games via its domain, “previously received a warning that enforcement would follow” if it did not stop the violation.

“A follow-up investigation by the KSA revealed that this was not entirely the case,” the regulator said.

“The original website was no longer accessible from the Netherlands, but a new account could easily be created on another website of the same provider, This made it possible to play on that website from the Netherlands.”

Winning Poker Network must therefore pay the penalty, the regulator said, with another investigation set be carried out on the company and the KSA warning of further potential action.

GoldWin did stop its violation, which the regulator says was happening via the platform. The company has been handed a penalty of €239,000 and a re-investigation found that the violation has ceased.

“However, the order subject to periodic penalty payments remains in full force,” the KSA said.

KSA chairman, René Jansen, added: “It must pay off for providers of games of chance to offer their games legally. That is only possible if we take the wind out of illegal supply. We are fully committed to stopping these practices.”