Award-winning digital marketing specialist Blueclaw believes that there is a gap between how much the issue of GDPR is discussed and the level of practical preparations undertaken by gaming companies.


Writing in the latest edition of iNTERGAMINGi, Blueclaw's marketing director Martin Calvert argues that for every company operating within the European Economic Area, there is nowhere to hide when it comes to making preparations for the new regulation.

The first matter to comprehend is exactly what ‘data’ means – and this doesn’t simply stop at knowing a customer’s middle name, or mobile phone number.

There’s also the question of explicit consent required when asking for each player’s data to be used, as well as the right for players to obtain their own data.

And as with any regulation of this type, companies will need to nominate someone responsible for getting their firm into shape.

“We anticipate a lot of consultants and overnight experts popping up to help manage the risk but, in every case, it is the ultimate responsibility of the senior leadership team of gaming firms to ensure that they are taking on the right advice, protecting their business operations and perhaps even finding ways to capitalise on this new level of discipline with data,” Calvert said.

Read the full article in the latest issue of iNTERGAMINGi