Paddy Power enjoys an excellent reputation for having fun with its media campaigns. But as the company’s Jamie Reeve tells iNTERGAMINGi, it’s not all pants and pints.

Paddy pants

WHEN representatives from Twitter and Facebook took turns to present at the recent Mobile and Tablet Gaming Summit in London, both cited some excellent examples of successful social media strategies that had fuelled interest in a particular brand.

Many do that kind of thing well but few better than Paddy Power. Jokey, blokey and undeniably funny, the Paddy Power viral videos and pranks are eye-catching and often memorable. As the social media giants skipped through their presentations, it was the Paddy Power tweets and clips that elicited the most lols.

Paddy Power’s Jamie Reeve, who also spoke at the summit, talked to iNTERGAMINGi about mobile gaming and the brand’s fun-loving ways.

iNTERGAMINGi: How is Paddy Power Vegas doing - still flying? JR: “Paddy Power Vegas started with a bang and we hit six-month targets within six weeks, which was fantastic but clearly not sustainable!

“However the growth has continued since then and we’re still very happy with the progress the product has made. The players like the games and are displaying low churn rates compared to our other casino products, which bodes well for the long-term value of those playing the apps.”

Read the full article in the Issue 6 of iNTERGAMINGi.