The online and land-based industries complement each other in a number of ways and there is increasing synergy between the two. But is it out of necessity rather than choice? Jennifer Riddall discovers it has not all been plain sailing and looks at how things might pan out.

Land-based and online go together Land-based and online go together

The online gaming industry is no longer perceived as the considerable threat to land-based casinos that it once was. Instead, the increase in partnerships between casino giants and key online operators has shown that the industries have a lot to offer one another.

“There are countless opportunities,” says chief executive and owner of Global Betting and Gaming Consultants, Warwick Bartlett, when asked about cross-promotion between online and land based. “Although internet provides great value it is quite sterile and people are social animals; they like to get out and meet others, so there are good opportunities to sell the dining gaming experience to clients.

“The modern casino is more than just gambling,” he continues. “The new Galaxy in Macau has 50 restaurants, a pool with a beach and wave machine, a spa, gym, cinema and quality shopping mall, plus 1,500 hotel rooms. If internet gambling was legal in Macau, the cross-promotion opportunities would be endless.”

This article can be read in full in the  issue 1, 2013 of iNTERGAMINGi.