Time Out magazine has listed some of what it calls "London’s hyper-niche gaming venues," steering clear of listing them in any kind of order of preference.


Named, however, are Funland - the venue once located inside the Trocadero but these days at the Brunswick Shopping Centre near Russell Square - and quotes Gabino Stergides, who runs the place for Electrocoin.

Also named is Game Nation’s Las Vegas Arcade in the West End and Playnation Games in Croydon.

The magazines says that Dan Grossett, owner of the Playnation Games location, feels that arcades are shrinking and grassroots spaces are increasingly being taken over and sanitised by corporate companies.

Playnation has been "turfed out" of multiple venues in Croydon over the years thanks to building works and development. Now, Grossett is looking for another new space.

“Croydon is a tumultuous area at the moment,” he says. “I don’t have any illusions of longevity here. We’ll probably end up in Bromley or Crystal Palace. It’s tough out there right now.”