Testing labs carry out an important function in bringing new products to the market - but don’t expect harmonisation of regulation any time soon.

Machine testing Machine testing

IN a global industry there are local challenges. For manufacturers and suppliers of gaming equipment, understanding the rules and regulations peculiar to each individual jurisdiction is crucial. For regulators, it is equally important that those active within their borders adhere to the policies set out by their lawmakers. Standing between them are the testing laboratories, helping regulators and manufacturers to realise their respective goals.   

“Testing labs,” explained Richard Williamson of BMM Compliance, “play a critical role in that they are essentially the ‘gatekeepers’ for ensuring that product is compliant as per the regulator’s rules.”

A good relationship between the lab, the regulator and the manufacturer is vitally important because there needs to be a constant dialogue between the three parties, he said.

According to Nick Farley, president of Eclipse Compliance Testing, testing labs therefore play an integral role in bringing new technologies to the marketplace. A familiarity with the very latest technologies is essential.

This feature can be read in full in the September 2012 issue of InterGame magazine.