Gerry Robinson, who did much to found the Association of Amusement and Leisure Equipment (ALES UK) and worked on the start-up of several international trade shows which are continuing successfully today, has stepped down as secretary of the organisation.

The move has been forced by continued ill-health, although Gerry has continued to be involved in many aspects of the amusement industry from his hospital bed.

In an upbeat message to InterGame this week, Gerry said: “I have remained in the industry, like so many others, because of the people with whom I have worked; people I have liked and even disliked – but not many of those! – and some of the things which I have been able to contribute.”

Our understanding is that Gerry has overcome a number of obstacles in his fight against cancer and subsequent complications which has continued for over a year, but in a recent message he said that he remains positive. Although he is unable to travel to Dubai for the DEAL show this year – a highly successful event, in which he has played a significant role – he has been able to finalise plans for seminars at the show.

Robinson has pledged that he will continue with his industry work, health permitting. If anyone would like to send a message to Gerry they are welcome to do so via [email protected] and we will be happy to forward them.