InterGame editor Lee Wild discovers the latest innovations that are immersing guests in attractions across the world.

Guest immersion

Since the advent of entertainment, human beings have craved immersion. Be it getting lost in a book, a favourite TV show or the latest blockbuster on the silver screen, being transported out of the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives to a fantastical world, even for just a few moments, brings happiness and enjoyment to even the most ardent realist.

Like many mediums, technology is key to immersing a guest in an amusement product. There is a famous story, that is often derided now, of the first moviegoers seeing a train hurtling towards the screen and fleeing their seats, fearing that the locomotive would crash through the screen. It is easy to laugh now, but a person’s first exposure to a new technology can often be so intense and visceral that it taps into our most primal emotions.

Read the full article in the September issue of InterGame    

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