For the first time, players of the UK National Lottery who play in shops will be able to opt in to receive their winnings directly into their bank accounts.

Allwyn, the lottery’s operator, has partnered with Bottomline to create a quick online claim process as part of the revised claims process the company introduced which it took over the lottery’s licence last year.
The change comes following the decision of the Post Office to no longer pay National Lottery retail mid-tier prizes, defined as being between £500.01 and £50,000.
Allwyn pointed that that this change will significantly reduce administration and postage costs – as it will no longer need to prepare and post thousands of cheques. “This cost efficiency will see more money going to National Lottery-funded Good Causes,” it claimed. “We’re delighted to introduce this completely new payment solution, which will see, for the first time, people who play The National Lottery in shops be able to have their prizes paid directly into their bank accounts,” said Allwyn’s operations director, Jenny Blogg.
“Not only will this see these prizes paid faster than ever before, but it also drastically cuts down on administration and postage costs. This cost efficiency will see more money going to the Good Causes that The National Lottery supports and see prize money in players’ pockets in record time – so it really is a win-win.”