The developers of the proposed casinos in Ohio have pledged that at least 90 per cent of all jobs they create will go to residents of the cities and their surrounding areas.
Dan Gilbert, whose Rock ventures partnership will develop the casinos in Cleveland and Cincinnati, handed a letter confirming the pledge to Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson at a rally in support of the casinos on Tuesday.
“A significant part of our proposal is the job creation our development will bring to the communities that will host the casinos," the letter reads. "Maximising that benefit relies heavily on the recruitment and hiring of local residents. We will also endeavor to make certain that our workforce reflects the diversity of the community."
Speaking at the event, Mayor Jackson said the casino would see millions of dollars invested in Cleveland.
“It’s what we need to take care of our cities and our families,” he said. “My support is about the construction jobs and the permanent jobs. This will help Cleveland become the center of activity in north-east Ohio.”