Meta Games Universal of the UK has launched Cargo, a system that allows game designers without software coding skills to produce high quality games for the regulated casino and VLT markets quickly and easily.

"Traditional game development is a slow process," said Owen Cullum, CEO of Meta Games. "It requires game designers and software developers to work together on every game. Cargo has been developed to put game development into the hands of game designers. It provides a friendly graphical user interface where virtually any type of casino or VLT game can be generated.

"The designer never needs to care about software code. Because the game executables are automatically generated, it removes the software coding stage completely. Cargo also brings significant benefits to the requirements capture, testing and approvals stages of development.

"By utilizing Cargo, game designers will see dramatic improvements in productivity and reduced costs. Since revenues ultimately come from games, being able to quickly increase game libraries can only help the bottom line."

Cargo supports development for both traditional and server-based gaming platforms without platform changes. It is based on an innovative code generation technology (patent pending) which is uniquely applicable to both new and existing platforms.