Grosvenor Casinos is set to open its new casino at Southend in the UK on September 18.

The US$10m development, which is below the Park Inn Palace Hotel, will have 100-seat poker, slot machines, roulette and blackjack tables. Tom Docherty, the casino’s general manager, said: “Southend is a popular seaside town with a long-established association with entertainment and innovation, making it ideal.

“We’re confident our new casino will attract new and existing gamers into Southend with its state-of-the-art facilities and further increase interest in the area as a key tourist destination.

“It will be a stylish new venue where you can enjoy the thrill of gaming and live sports around the clock and also support employment in the area.” He added the casino would be “a new and exciting venue, perfect for serious gamers or those just looking for a fun, alternative night out.”