Background music services are being improved at UK operator Gamestec by a substantial initial order for Soundnet’s soundjack BGM system.

Gamestec’s Stefan Podlanski, Soundnet’s James Luck and Gamestec’s Peter Davies

Gamestec has been targeting background music as an area for expanding its operation.

The use of soundjack BGM with customer phone app integration gives Gamestec an advantage over traditional BGM systems and the illegal use of streaming and other systems in the hospitality and retail trade.

Soundjack BGM is a tablet-based online music background system with phone app integration. The soundjack app is downloaded to an iOS or Android device and while on site can select and play music from within the pre-selected library of music for that site. It may be for a fee or complimentary, dependent upon the location’s choice.

Image: Gamestec’s Stefan Podolanski, Soundnet’s James Luck and Gamestec’s Peter Davies