The largest Timezone venue in the Philippines has opened at the new Ayala Mall, Manila Bay, Parañaque City. Timezone’s Play ‘n’ Learn is a fun-filled playground for active children and will open next door to create an all-encompassing family destination.
There is a total of 2,300sq.m of the latest games and attractions, including a billiards hall, mini-bowling, music zones and a prize shop at Timezone Ayala Mall. The addition of the Play ‘n’ Learn location broadens the offer considerably, with play structures, activities and areas specially designed to encourage healthy exercise for youngsters, digging, climbing, crawling, sliding and exploring the features.
Timezone is a brand of the giant operating company The Entertainment and Education Group, with outlets across the Asia-Pacific region. TEEG is jointly owned by Quadrant Private Equity and the LAI Group and has over 300 FECs in operation, with headquarters in Singapore.