The December 2018 issue of InterGame magazine is now available in digital format, viewable directly from your PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone.


InterGame December sees reaction to the goings-on at IAAPA and some of the news from the show floor. Who showed what, the reactions to it and all the buzz from a busy week in Florida will dominate our last issue of 2018.

The features for this month cover the hot topics of debit card systems, anchor attractions and escape rooms as some of the industry’s biggest names in some of the most thriving sectors give us the low-down.

To read this issue, please click here.

Our January issue sees our annual German special focus and will take a look at what has happened over the last twelve months in one of Europe’s largest yet regulatory turbulent markets. Previews of EAG and ICE sandwich our features on trends for the year ahead and a retro arcade focus. The balance of the avalanche of news from November’s IAAPA event will also make the pages.

To discuss marketing opportunities in this issue, please contact [email protected]