Video footage showing a mother of eight being catapaulted from a fairground ride in West London has gone viral after three men were sentenced in connection with the incident.


The victim, Khadra Ali, was in hospital for four months after the incident on the Xcelerator ride at the Funderpark in Yiewsley, Hillingdon, in April 2018. Ali suffered multiple fradctures of her back, hips, pelvis, ribs and collarbones.

Perrin Stevens was jailed for 32 weeks, suspended for 18 months, ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work and faces £11,440 in costs.

Derek Hackett was givien a custodial sentence of 18 weeks, suspended for 18 months and was ordered to pay £4,800 in costs.

David Geary was given a custodial sentence of 44 weeks, suspended for 18 months and must pay £24,000 in costs.

DMG Technical Ltd, of Hackney, that also admitted an offence under the Health and Safety at Work Act, was fined £51,000 with £30,000 in costs.