With two weeks to go before the opening of IAAPA in Orlando, debit card systems provider Embed has revealed some of the products it will unveil at the event.


The company will introduce some new features for its smartTouch debit card readers with a demonstration on the booth. It will outline the Playwave contactless, touchscreen, dual speaker audio, dual ticket operation and other features of the unit.

A new feature is the Reader Offline Reasons display that enables the operator to render the reader offline and assign the reason directly on the smartTouch unit. This will give greater visibility over the venue’s operations.

There is also a new Mercy Tickets feature, designed to ensure that players can have a positive experience by always walking away with something after investing time and money in a game.  E-tickets are another new idea, using this form of payment to credit games in the location.

There are other fresh ideas too, with 3-Tier Celebration, in which additional animations give higher ticket payouts in a customised and adjustable way. And there is an All You Can Play package, that does away with tickets altogether and can be used for a set length of time without tickets being involved.