Featuring four screens simulating a giant photo strip, The Strip incorporates touch technology, a HD camera for video and voice recordings, online capabilities for emailing the images as well as access to social networks such as facebook, it is also coin or bill reader ready.

Wall Strip Wall Strip

The size and design are great for any location and it can fit into any fashionable store, even a small jewellery shop or similar specialty store. The top two monitors fold down for easy transportation and all themes are built into the software, which also gives the option of having previous images at the event scroll over as a screensaver. The white cabinet can also be easily branded with magnetic overlays.

The Wall Strip (pictured) is a bigger option using the same equipment. Featuring 12 impressive screens simulating a video wall, The Wall Strip incorporates all the same features as the original but sees three Strip machines joined together under one camera. The machine in the centre takes the images and the addition of the extra machines allows users to collage even more images. Excellent for corporate events.