InterGame is very shocked to hear of the sudden death of long-time friend and correspondent Fred Milner of Bondeal. Fred died on March 1 while on a business trip to China. He was 61.

Fred Milner, who was born in Scarborough, UK, lived for most of his life in Asia, initially in Hong Kong and latterly in Manila, where he leaves a wife, Leonora and four children, plus two children from his first marriage.

Fred had a long career in the coin machine industry, initially with Taito, based in Asia, but for most of his business life he ran his own companies, the most famous of which was Bondeal, which was based initially in Hong Kong and built up a major international business in game boards.

When he relocated to Manila a few years ago, Fred continued the Bondeal name, distributing games and boards from the Philippines and also operated redemption games and FECs with his wife as his partner.

He was very well known on the international market and a familiar figure at trade shows all over the world. The InterGame staff - and particularly its owners - are deeply saddened and offer condolences to Leonora and Fred’s family.