Sports betting expert Neil Greenwold is bringing an all-new table game to the London Casino and Gaming Show, part of EAG, next week.
His new company, Sport Shotzl, will introduce The Drive, a totally unique game inspired by the thrill of a pivotal moment in American football combined with the excitement of the casino floor.
Greenwold is known for his contributions to in-play betting that includes propositions such as who wins the next free kick or who wins the next point in tennis, or whether a batter will score runs off the next ball in cricket.
He created many of this type of challenge in sports betting and firmly believes that fast-resolving bets could be a future pathway in the betting industry.
“When developing The Drive, I felt that the key attraction to a new casino game is to combine it with a high-profile sport," Greenwold said.
"The word ‘drive’ resonates with everyone who knows American football and we have designed a game that is exciting yet easy to play, for both the seasoned casino customers and the casual players.”
The cabinet of The Drive occupies around one-thrid of the floor space of a traditional craps table and needs only one croupier to operate it.
Geenwold, who will present his new product on stand N29 at the London show (ExCeL, January 14-16), believes that The Drive will provide a bridge between the world of sports betting and casinos.