Amatic Industries and Genesis Games took one of the largest stands at the Irish Gaming Show in Dublin last week.

Thomas Engstberger, sales manager at Amatic, was pleased with this year’s show, stating: “This was definitely a more upbeat show. The economic upturn is having a positive effect. The move towards a newly regulated market is noticeable as well. As a major presence in Ireland for both electronic multiplayers and Multi Game, we are proud of our past achievements and are naturally very focused on supporting our customers to ensure their continued success and the continued popularity of Amatic in Ireland.

“Finally, I would like to express my thanks on behalf of the AMATIC management team to the whole of the Genesis Games team for their continued support and dedication during the past 15 years. It is an honour and pleasure to work together with Genesis Games.”

Amatic has built up a very strong base in Ireland with Genesis Games. Genesis is responsible for sales and service in the UK and Ireland. The strength and mutual respect is highlighted by the fact that Genesis sells only Amatic gaming products.

The two great pillars of Amatic Industries – Multi Game slot machines and Grand Jeu electronic roulettes – can both be found in Ireland. Steve and Hans Bierrum, owners of Genesis Games, note that there are over 100 multiplayer roulettes from Amatic in the market already alongside the large numbers of Amatic slot machines.