Caesars Entertainment UK has filled a series of new senior posts at its Rendezvous Brighton casino.

George Gordon

Headed up by new venue director George Gordon (pictured) and supported by marketing manager Roxanne Malan and new F&B manager John Higgin, the new team brings 12 years of international gaming expertise to the casino.

Gordon, former general manager of the Gala Casino in Bristol, is focused on returning Rendezvous Brighton casino to its former status as the number one gaming destination in Brighton.

Credited with increasing staff engagement from 40 to 80 per cent in just under two years in his former post, Gordon believes the secret to running a successful casino lies in having excellent staff who deliver a brilliant service to customers.

“It was important to me to ensure I met with all the casino staff within the first few weeks of arrival,” he said. “We already have some brilliant examples of staff retention and customer service but I want to make it my mission to improve upon that tenfold over the next few months.”