The US state of Alabama has ended its latest legislative session without passing a bill allowing the provision of lottery, slot machines and video poker machines.


While the House had approved the bill, it failed in the Senate by one vote and as reported by the Associated Press, was not picked up again before Thursday’s final day of law-making.

The original bill that the House passed would have allowed a lottery, sports betting and up to 10 casinos in Alabama.

A compromise in a conference committee dissected the bill to leave it with an offer of a lottery and slot machines at seven locations, but it could still not make it through the Senate.

Indeed, the Associated Press reports that Senators were “less receptive” to proposals that included slot machines or video poker but had approved plans for a lottery and sites installing machines allowing players to bet on horse race replays.

“There was a lot of effort to try to make it work,” said  Republican House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter. “I think the people want a chance to vote. I hear that everywhere I go.”

Alabama governor Kay Ivey said she “wanted people to have a chance to vote on this issue,” but ruled out calling a special session unless agreement in the Senate could be found first.