Felt really old yesterday. My daughter turned 30. So it's good to know that I can still get excited by something that most people would regard as utterly trivial. When I go to Macau in a couple of weeks for G2E Asia, I am flying with Emirates via Dubai on an Airbus A380 - for the non-geeky out there

Felt really old yesterday. My daughter turned 30. So it’s good to know that I can still get excited by something that most people would regard as utterly trivial. When I go to Macau in a couple of weeks for G2E Asia, I am flying with Emirates via Dubai on an Airbus A380 - for the non-geeky out there, that’s one of those double-decker super jumbo thingies that can accommodate half the population of a small town (or something). I haven’t even seen one yet, so I’m all tingly with anticipation. Sad, I know. Maybe I should get out more.

Can’t even get out for a run at the minute. Two weeks into my latest marathon training schedule I picked up an Achilles tendon injury. So I took a week off, then went for a short run yesterday morning. All went well but, just as I was thinking it was OK again, the tendon started to stiffen up during the day. And today it hurts. So now that I’ve bored the 99 per cent of you that are non-runners to distraction, I’m off to call the physio… -Phil Clegg